Thursday, 7 April 2011

Famous Last Words

"Expect more frequent updates..."

At the end of my last post, I stated that I would be updating this blog a lot more now that I have given up my moderating role. That was 2 weeks ago now. The fact is that I have lost a little bit of interest in the game. Maybe the modding and the organising and running of Fed events was keeping me going, keeping me logging in. Maybe it's because I am a little disappointed in all the moderating changes recently (6 out of the 12 current mods were on the team when i joined it, with another 2 possibly set to leave), but I really am finding it hard to enjoy the game. I log in, chat to a few of my "friends," play one or two games, then what? After this, I find no real need to continue logged in. Sad days...

It's not just me though. Take a look at the left hand side of this blog where you will find a list of any FML blogs that I have come across (please advertise yours if you have one and it's not on the list) and you will find that a lot of them are updating a lot less frequently than they used to. It appears a lot of the more active members of the FML community are enjoying the game less and less, and therefore contributing less and less. I'm not sure how things are in other game worlds, but Lemerre in particular is suffering community wise. It's a shame, because the community is one of the main reasons I play this game, and I thoroughly enjoy reading up on people's blogs and websites. I hope that future updates from SI can get us more involved with the game again and bring in fresh blood. Just how far away is 1.7...

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